Friday, November 15, 2013

People in the basement

They move around sometimes in the night.  I was wakened by one who came into our bedroom at 5:15 this morning.  I saw a male figure go from Albert's dresser to mine.  He picked up something but when I sat up, he put it down and dashed into our bathroom.  I was headed that way, so I stood still and let him leave.  I heard him run down the stairs and I heard a female voice call him Robert.  So know I know the people downstairs are Robert and Connie.  It's odd that I find comfort in knowing their names.

We built this house in 1996 and they began to appear here about ten years ago.  Even now as I write, I can hear them moving around in the basement.  Usually at day break I'll hear them leave and pull the door shut.

Albert has made fun of me many times because at first I was afraid of them.  Now I simply believe that we must have built our home over their gravesite.  I have no fear now, I'm just uncomfortable when I am startled awake and know that they have been roaming through the house.


  1. Friendly Spirits who have lost their way into the light? Residue effect? Have you tried to communicate with them?


    1. Hi Bonnie! How did you find me here? Not that I have anything to hide, I have emptied my brain on WebMD hundreds of times.

      Have I tried to communicate? Yes, on days when I hear a lot of footsteps, I will yell to the basement "I can hear you" or "I'm leaving now". I once wrote a note to them but then destroyed it so Albert wouldn't find it ... I thought if he did find it I would end up in the hospital again.

      This year on Mother's Day he bought me a refrigerator magnet and said it was from the people downstairs. We both laughed but I wondered if they would ever see it.

      Could all my meds be the culprit? Don't know and don't care ... I feel normal again on this regimen.

      Can I ask what "Gra'" means?
